Swimming REQUIRES parent participation on a massive scale. Many opportunities are available for parents (and oftentimes older students for SSL hours) to help at swim meets. Some positions require training, but most do not. If your child is swimming, please volunteer at the meet. If you have younger children and cannot help on deck at the meet, we have MANY other volunteer opportunities available. 

***MFST Volunteer and Swimmer Eligibility Policy***

Effective Week 2 of the meet season, each family must have completed or be registered to volunteer for at least 1 job less than the week of swim for their child to be eligible to compete in the meet. 

Meaning, by Meet 2, you must have completed or be signed up for at least 1 job, by week 3 (2 jobs), week 4 (3 jobs) week 5 (4 jobs), and Divisionals/Super Stars (5 jobs). 

Time Trials WILL count as an eligible volunteer opportunity as all families are expected to help. Failure to comply with the volunteer requirements outlined above will result in your child being ineligible to swim at a meet. This applies to ALL SWIMMERS in both A and B Meets.


Positions available at EVERY MEET include:

We have a great need for more parents to become officials! CLICK HERE to learn more about this rewarding opportunity!

Announcer–calls swimmers for their events and announces events; also makes other announcements during the swim meet.

Meet Set Up & Clean Up Pool Deck–two people to arrive about 15 minutes prior to warm-ups to help set up the pool deck for the meet. This involves setting up spectator and clerk of course chairs. Immediately following the meet, the same two people help move the chairs back to where they were, and with any other clean-up-related activities.

Meet Set Up & Clean Up Concessions–two people to do the setup and clean up of the concessions stand.  

Sponsor Table and Banner Set Up & Clean Up–arrive prior to the meet and set up the Sponsor table and hang banners

Clerk of Course (minimum of 2 for Wednesday night meets)–works with the assistant coaches to line up the swimmers in advance of each event including, both individual and relay events. Swimmers are expected to remain in the team area during the meet so the Clerks can line up the swimmers at an appropriate time. While the Clerk of Course position does not require training, it is recommended that new Clerks shadow experienced Clerks.

Head Timer–directs the actions of the lane timers. The Head Timer and Assistant Head Timer start stopwatches in addition to lane timers in the event of watch or timer failure. These additional watches are provided to lane timers as needed.

Assistant Head Timer–starts stopwatches in addition to lane timers in the event of watch or timer failure. The Assistant Head Timer ensures that time cards are sent to the Computer Operators.

Timers–stand at the end of swim lanes and time events using a stopwatch, as directed by the Head Timer. There are three timers for each lane. The home team lanes will have two visitor timers; the visitor lanes will have two home timers. Each time is recorded, and the middle time is the official finish time. One of the three lane timers will record the times. Time is recorded on forms provided to the recording timer and collected by the Assistant Head Timer. If you can push a button you can do this job. Great view of the meet. No experience necessary!

Please note: all purchases will be covered by MFST. If you are buying items for the meet, you will be fully reimbursed. 

Concessions MORNING–one person to buy donuts and bagels and deliver them to the pool the morning of the meet.

Concessions BUYER–one person to pick up previously ordered food the day before the meet (typically from Sam's Club) and put it in the shed.

Concessions ICE–one person to buy ice prior to the meet and ice down the drinks.

Concessions CASHIER–one person to serve as concession cashier during the meet.

Concessions SERVER–three people to sell food at the concessions during the meet. 

Concessions HELPERSSL Position. This job entails filling up water bins, restocking items from the shed, and helping in any way the adults running concessions need you to. If you are swimming in the meet, you MAY NOT sign up for this job.

Heat Sheet Posting–SSL Postion. Hang results up as they become available. If you are swimming in the meet, you MAY NOT sign upif or this position.

Halftime Food for Officials & Timers–Purchase, prepare and serve food for our officials and timers during the break midway through each home meet.  

Grill Master–Operate the grill and cook hot dogs and hamburgers for Wednesday evening meets and other special meets. 

Head Scorer and Scorer–work with the computer operators to ensure the correct scores are recorded for each swim meet event.

Computer Operator and Assistant Computer Operator–MCSL certification is not required, but training in the use of the software, Hytek Meet Manager and Team Unify, is necessary. Computer operators input event times during the meet, post-event results, provide the half time and final score, and provide ribbon labels to the Ribbon Writers. Can be broken down into:

Automation Coordinator–Record swimmer entries 2 days prior to meet and verifies swimmer entries the day before meet. The AC sends out swimmer entries to the opposing team (away meets), and combines away team entries with the home team to create a heat sheet of all events (home meets).

Automation Entry–during the meet, check timer sheets, record swimmer times, and verify entries for accuracy. Print final results to post and print labels for ribbon writers.

Ribbon Writers (1-2 on Wednesday nights)–prepare the award ribbons for the swimmers. No training is required. The computer operator will provide labels for the ribbons; the ribbon writer puts the sticker on the appropriate ribbon and files the ribbons in the ribbon box. SSL hours are available for this position. No writing is actually required!

Runner (1-2)–collect scorecards from the timers at the end of each event and take them to the scorekeepers. SSL hours are available for this position.